Monday, July 4, 2011


What does snooping really mean and why is it irritating?

Snooping is an action, which is done by every human being. People snoop on their family and friends. From my point of view it’s the most irritating thing to do to a person. It can be done involuntary, people who care sometimes actually snoops rather than just giving some advice and then leaving the final decision to us. I think being protective is okay but like in any other case, people should know their limits. On the other hand people who are not aware of their limits or doesn’t care about their limits do snooping also. Snooping in a protective way can be tolerated from my point of view, but nobody than my family can snoop me including my friends.

Snooping somebody is a very abrasive action to do. Being snooped is even worse. I think I must have designated limits with people around me. Being to close to some person makes that person think that he or she has control over you, which is the first major step to be snooped by somebody. I as myself always had my abutment with my friends, which were obvious. I think that nobody should pry into another's affairs. Even though if the person is a close friend of yours, you should never let he or she take the control. Once you lose your distance with somebody you can never go back. People would use their conversance in a way that would work for them. People are benefit-focused human beings. Which means that they will always want things to work how they want.

Sometimes I think of why people would snoop on their friends, which is in a prowling way. Parents actions can be named as “being protective” rather than snooping, but the bargain that’s done by the “close friends” can definitely be defined as “snooping”. There are various reasons for that and I want to list some of them, which are actually the most obvious ones. First being jealous of somebody. If somebody were jealous of you, he or she would definitely snoop you, because they feel some kind of deficiency. Between girls this is mainly because of beauty or having a boy friend. The girl who has a boy friend would like to spend some time with her boy friend in addition to the time she spends with her friends. But her friends would act so selfish and wouldn’t let her to be with her boyfriend. Because they aren’t attractive physically and socially as she is and don’t win approval from the boys around them they would more likely to hang out with the girl who has boy friend in order to appease their ego. In addition; there is also another possibility that could lead to snooping or cause snooping and that’s the relationships inside the family. If you have the perfect life in other’s point of view, be ready to be snooped, because you have everything that the others want to have. You will be snooped and be treated, as if you are his or her family. She or he will be seeking the lack of love by getting attached to you. Getting him or her attached to you would lead you to a dead end, which is of no use for you. This convenience of close “friendship” would cause your friend to think that he or she has control over you. If such is the case, the best thing to do is to keep your distance otherwise you may end up being irritated. Separating from a good friend of yours because of their snoopy behavior is the last thing you to happen. So keep your distance from the beginning; if you don’t want lose him or her permanently.

This part of my blog is for “snoopers”:

Time to take a look at the situation from a different perspective and emphasize; has anybody ever snooped you? How did that make you feel?

I’m sure that everybody has been snooped at least once in his or her life. And I’m sure that even the people who are snoopers have also been snooped at least once before. I can actually emphasize well and depending on my own experience and what I’ve seen around is that there is nobody who likes to be snooped. If you also don’t like to be snooped than take your time think a bit and please stop snooping. It gets you nowhere; it’s nothing than embezzling people who are well-intentioned, people who are too good than they should be.

In any kind of relationship, showing respect to the person who is towards you is a MUST. If there is no respect, than there is no “proper” communication. People who are aware of the term “respect” are the people who would not snoop because snooping is disrespecting somebody’s individualism in a way, or in other words trying to restrain somebody.


  1. have u ever snooped on anyone..or ever watched them without them knowing??

  2. I'm against snooping so I actually don't snoop on people, I did in the past unconsciously but when I realized it I stopped doing it.

    Nope I didn't watch anybody without them knowing

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. okay....seems understandable...and pretty reasonable to be honest..good job with the blogs so far btw... :)
