Friday, July 8, 2011


What is creativity? Can people be creative or are they born that way?

There are more than 6 billion human beings on the planet that we are living on right now, called “earth”. On this planet of ours, there are various kinds of people. God has created every single person diligently; there is only one of us in the world. This action can be named as creativity. So its process begins with our existence. Every human being has it; the only thing you have to do is to know how to use it. People who have outstandingly creativity and imagination are named, inventors. They have the special ability to create things that were once beyond existence. Before Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, nobody could even imagine such an invention. It was him and his “outside the box” imagination that created what we use so often today.

I believe creativity depends on ambition. If a man has no dreams, he is not a visionary, thus he cannot be considered creative. Imaginative people are basically ones who refuse to accept pre-existing ideas, unlike the rest who don’t. People who are creative are quite different in terms of their dreaminess. They have their own ideas and their own limitations. In fact, from my point of view, they have no limitations whatsoever. Restrictions constrain dreams; in other words, they constrain creativity. ‘No limitations’ is a concept that allows, even encourages people to be different than the rest of the society. When I think about it, I realize having no limitations and expecting others to have none is simply a dream that is very hard to come true. There are many elements in our lives that force us to retain limitations. I believe God is the one who set them up. He is the reason why parents, jobs, responsibilities, even social networks limit our lives. People who have no restrictions are the ones who have the perfect backgrounds to become a person of creativity; but sadly, people with limitations who do not create anything are the majority. If you ask me, it’s all because of the responsibility-free lives. Having no limitations make most of the people. They become so relaxed that they do not even dare to think about something new. People who have no limitations but have the desire to find or create something new are the ones who stand out in the society as genius inventors.

To be completely honest, I don’t think I’m that of a creative person. I usually accept the “truth”, the rules and the norms that our society has set for us. I don’t try to make my own “rights” or norms. I wonder if that is the reason for my ordinariness and mundanity. I don’t like being too different from the people around me, but that doesn’t mean I’m a copycat. Needless to say, I have my own ideas and thoughts and beliefs, but they fit the society’s standards as well.

I’m not creative, nor do I possess the ability of over imagination, because the two are things that spring from instinct. That’s why people cannot force themselves to be creative. Creativity has to be included in a personality: You can’t force it out. It also depends on inspiration, something very hard to come by. You can never know if someone’s creative or not, simply by looking at them for inspiration is a product of the mind. People keep their secrets in shadows.

Creativity is a character trait that is easily affected by others and life conditions. The idea of a “social network” holds the biggest role in creativity. Human psychology adapts easily. If one’s circle of people are different and original, and are not afraid to be so, then they will surely affect that one. One’s thoughts and own rights will have changed with social surrounding.


  1. This is a thoughtful and well written post. You assume, though, near the beginning that creative people break with norms and tradition, but lots of creative writers actually work with the tradition, changing it in small ways. Writers like Vergil or Cervantes actually borrow a lot of material from the past and refashion it for their own purposes. That too is creativity, even though it is not a sharp break with tradition.

    In literature, especially ancient literature, breaking social norms defines not creativity but the heroic. Creativity, as I said, actually works with the past. Just a thought.

  2. Hey Derrick, thank you so much for taking your time to read my blog. What you said made me think of what I have written. I don't have much knowledge about ancient literature. I just earned a new perspective about being creative so I will think about your ideas also.
